A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Rae Allen
Rae Allen

Rae Allen

Rae Allen is Mrs. Lenore Sokol in The Boyfriend (Season 3 Episode 17).

Mrs. Lenore Sokol works for the New York State Department of Labor and is a baseball fan. George only got two weeks left of unemployment and needs to prove that he's been looking for a job to get to get a thirteen week extension.

In order to do that, Mrs. Sokol asks George the name of one of the companies he's been interviewed at. George names Vandelay Industries. He wants to be Vandelay's latex salesman, because they're selling of latex, and latex related products.

Eventually, George dates Mrs. Sokol daughter, but she dumps him by the end of the second date after she realizes he has no prospects, which causes him to express to Jerry his desire to date a tall woman.

She was seen in:

* A League of Their Own

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