A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Debi A. Monahan
Debi A. Monahan

Debi A. Monahan

Debi A. Monahan is Chelsea Lang in The Trip (Season 4 Episode 1).

Chelsea Lang was an aspiring actress Cosmo Kramer began seeing while he was living in Los Angeles.

She met Kramer while both were auditioning for roles in a horror movie. She later takes a copy of Kramer's movie script for The Keys and tells him she will give it to her manager.

Her manager is currently working on getting her the starring role in a mini-series based on Adolf Hitler's girlfriend, Eva Braun, for German television.

Chelsea is later murdered by The Smog Strangler. Kramer pretends to be callously unbothered by her death and tells Jerry.

She was seen in:

* Diagnosis Murder

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