A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Lisa Kushell
Lisa Kushell

Lisa Kushell

Lisa Kushell is «Connie» in The Friar's Club (Season 7 Episodes 17).

Kramer tries the Da Vinci sleep schedule, which causes him to be restless during his nighttime waking hours.

He fall asleep on his girlfriend «Connie» during a make-out session. She thinks he is dead, and calls some friends to take him away so that her mobster boyfriend will not know she was cheating on him.

Kramer is dumped into the Hudson River, which shocks him awake. After surfacing, he tells the police «Connie» tried to kill him. She calls her lawyer, Jackie Chiles, but he refuses to take the case when he hears Kramer is involved.

She was seen in:

* Legally Blonde

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