A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Veanne Cox
Veanne Cox

Veanne Cox

Veanne Cox is Toby, Elaine's co-worker at Pendant Publishing in The Fire (Season 5 Episode 20).

She was assigned by Mr. Lippman to help Kramer write his coffee table book about coffee tables. She booed and hissed at Jerry Seinfeld during one of his stand-up performances believing it to be normal during such events.

Jerry got revenge on her by heckling her at her place of work. She runs off as a result into the street where a street sweeper removes her pinky toe. Kramer retrieves after a bizarre encounter on the bus (he's Batman) involving a mugger and dropping off all the passengers. He put it in a Cracker Jack box and finally the toe is reattached and Toby is promoted because Mr. Lippman felt bad for her.

She was seen in:

* Erin Brockovich

* Pan Am

* The Rebound

* You've Got Mail

* The Rewrite

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