A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Michelle Forbes
Michelle Forbes

Michelle Forbes

Michelle Forbes is Julie, George's girlfriend in The Big Salad (Season 6 Episode 2).

Julie is a very cultured woman. She likes to read Anna Quindlen, William Safire (although at times he can be rather pedantic) and Robert Herbert.

George is rather more interested in sports and tells Julie that he finds fascinating the different sound of the names of Bob Herbert (H.E.R.B.E.R.T.) and the quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons, Bobby Hebert (H.E.B.E.R.T.)

Elaine asks them George and Julie to bring her back a big salad. At Monk's, Julie is handed the big salad (even though George had paid for it) and so when they get up to Jerry's apartment she is the one who hands Elaine the big salad and receives Elaine's thanks.

She was seen in:

* Escape from LA

* Kalifornia

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