A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Suzanne Snyder
Suzanne Snyder

Suzanne Snyder

Suzanne Snyder is Eva, the Neo-Nazi admirer of Donald O'Brien in The Limo (Season 3 Episode 19) and Audrey in The Pie (Season 5 Episode 15).

Eva and Tim never ever met O'Brien, but praise for his writing in «The Big Game». Eva says that she is looking forward to his speech later.

When George later expresses interest in Eva, Jerry exclaims «she's a Nazi, George!» Eventually, the real O'Brien calls the limo, and Eva and Tim pull guns on George and the rest of the gang, demanding they get out of the limo, in the midst of a violent protest.

In The Pie, Jerry dates Audrey. The two go have dinner at Audrey's father Poppie's restaurant, where Poppie is the head chef. Poppie tells them he will be personally preparing their meal for the evening.

Jerry goes to the bathroom where he encounters Poppie, however, Poppie does not wash his hands after using the bathroom. Poppie's restaurant is later shut down due to his uncleanliness.

She was seen in:

* Murder She Wrote

* Family Ties

* Class

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