A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Denise Dowse
Denise Dowse

Denise Dowse

Denise Dowse appears in 2 episodes: 1) The Wallet (Season 4 Episode 5) and 2) The Couch (Season 6 Episode 5).

In The Wallet she plays the receptionist at Dr. Dembrow's office. She gave Morty Seinfeld a long form to fill. One of the questions was: Have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?

In The Couch she plays Joe Temple's wife (Remy's mother). She just came home after visiting Angela's house where things not looking very good for Duncan.

She was seen in:

* Requiem For a Dream

* Monk

* Newsradio

* Coach Carter

* Becker

* A Stoned Cold Christmas

* Her Best Move

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This is a fan page dedicated to the actors and actresses that once were in Seinfeld, to support them and and to highlight their great contribution to our culture.

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