A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Donna Evans
Donna Evans

Donna Evans

Donna Evans is Lola in The Handicap Spot (Season 4 Episode 22).

Lola is the lady who was severely injured as a result of her wheelchair crashing into a wall because a handicapped space was taken by George's father’s car.

She had her wheelchair replaced by Kramer, who fell in love with her; however, she dumped him, telling him that he was not good-looking enough for her, that he was a “Hipster Doofus”, and (of course) to drop dead.

She appeared one last time in “The Finale”, testifying against Kramer and George.

She was seen in:

* Iron Man

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This is a fan page dedicated to the actors and actresses that once were in Seinfeld, to support them and and to highlight their great contribution to our culture.

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