A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Rosalind Allen
Rosalind Allen

Rosalind Allen

Rosalind Allen is Diane DeConn in The Marine Biologist (Season 5 Episode 14).

Jerry meets a female friend from college (Diane DeConn) and George's college crush, and claims that George is a marine biologist.

George, who now is expecting a call from her, is upset because he prefers to lie about being an architect.

At the beach, George is called upon to use his non-existent marine biology skills to save a beached whale. Motivated by love for Diane, George approaches the whale, realizes its blowhole is obstructed, and reaches in to pull out Kramer's golf ball. George is hailed as a hero and confesses to Diane that he is not really a marine biologist. She dumps him in response.

She was seen in:

* Mother

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