A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Gina Gallego
Gina Gallego

Gina Gallego

Gina Gallego plays Gina, the girlfriend of Jerry's «creepy neighbour» Martin in The Suicide (Season 3 Episode 15).

Martin is a Jerry's neighbor. He's a pathologically jealous individual who tried to kill himself once realized his girlfriend has a crush on Jerry and fell into a comma.

While in the hospital, just around Martin's bed, Gina ask Jerry to kiss her. But is that the proper venue? As Jerry refuses, Gina ask «what kind of a man are you?». Without hesitation, Jerry replies: «A man who respects a good comma».

She was seen in:

* Crazy Ex Girlfriend

* Erin Brockovich

* It Had To Be You

* Anger Management

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