A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Megan Mullally
Megan Mullally

Megan Mullally

Megan Mulally is Betsy, the hard of hearing George's girlfriend in The Implant (Season 4 Episode 19).

Betsy's aunt Clarice dies (although it was really a blessing). Kramer and Jerry persuades George that being the «consolation guy» could be the best move for his relationship, so George decided to assist to the funeral.

After buying a fly to Detroit with «bereavement» fare (50% off), George shows up at Aunt Clarice's wake. When he walks over to the snack table, he takes a chip from the bowl, dips it, takes a bite, and then dips again. Betsy's brother, Timmy, hurriedly comes over, and begins a fight because of the «double dipping».

She was seen in:

* Will and Grace

* Where’d You Go, Bernadette

* Murder She Wrote

* Parks and Recreation

* Date and Switch

* Just Shoot Me!

* Wings

* Apartment Troubles

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This is a fan page dedicated to the actors and actresses that once were in Seinfeld, to support them and and to highlight their great contribution to our culture.

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