A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Dwayne Kennedy
Dwayne Kennedy

Dwayne Kennedy

Dwayne Kennedy is Frank in The Stranded (Season 3 Episode 10).
Dyana Ortelli
Dyana Ortelli

Dyana Ortelli

Dyana Ortelli is Lupe, the Chambermaid in The Trip (Season 4 Episode 1).
Dylan Tays
Dylan Tays

Dylan Tays

Dylan Tays is Nicki in The Calzone (Season 7 Episode 19).
Eamon Roche
Eamon Roche

Eamonn Roche

Eamonn Roche is the waiter in The Pie (Season 5 - Episode 15).
Earl Boen
Earl Boen

Earl Boen

Earl Boen is Manya's eulogist in The Pony Remark (Season 2 Episode 2).
Earl Schuman
Earl Schuman

Earl Schuman

Earl Schuman is Izzy Mandelbaum Sr. in The English Patient (Season 8 - Episode 17).
Ed O´Ross
Ed O´Ross

Ed O'Ross

Ed O'Ross is a police officer in The Engagement (Season 7 - Episode 1).
Eddie Allen
Eddie Allen

Eddie Allen

Eddie Allen is Doctor in The Fatigues (Season 8 Episode 6).
Edgar Small
Edgar Small

Edgar Small

Edgar Small is Sid Luckman in The English Patient (Season 8 Episode 17).
Edie McClurg
Edie McClurg

Edie McClurg

Edie McClurg is Mrs. Oliver in The Old Man (Season 4 - Episode 18).
Edith Fields
Edith Fields

Edith Fields

Edith Fields is Mrs. Payton in The Doorman (Season 6 Episode 18).
Edward Penn
Edward Penn

Edward Penn

Edward Penn is Owen March in The Alternate Side (Season 3 Episode 11).
Edward Winter
Edward Winter

Edward Winter

Edward Winter is Mr. Stevenson in The Beard (Season 6 Episode 16).
Elan Carter
Elan Carter

Elan Carter

Elan Carter is Receptionist in The Jimmy (Season 6 Episode 19).
Elayn J. Taylor
Elayn J. Taylor

Elayn J. Taylor

Elayn J. Taylor is book fan in The Muffin Tops (Season 8 - Episode 21).
Elena Wohl
Elena Wohl

Elena Wohl

Elena Wohl is Sandi Robbins (Elaine) in The Pilot (Season 4 Episode 23).
Elevator Man
Elevator Man

Elevator Man

The elevator man appears in Male Unbonding (Season 1 Episode 4).
Elina Löwensohn
Elina Löwensohn

Elina Löwensohn

Elina Löwensohn is Katya in The Gymnast (Season 6 Episode 6).
Elizabeth Barrington
Elizabeth Barrington

Elizabeth Barrington

Elizabeth Barrington is Mom in The Yada Yada (Season 8 - Episode 19).
Elizabeth Dennehy
Elizabeth Dennehy

Elizabeth Dennehy

Elizabeth Dennehy is Alison in The Handicap Spot (Season 4 Episode 22).
Elizabeth Morehead
Elizabeth Morehead

Elizabeth Morehead

Elizabeth Morehead is Noel in The Pez Dispenser (Season 3 Episode 14).
Elizabeth Sjoli
Elizabeth Sjoli

Elizabeth Sjoli

Elizabeth Sjoli is the girl that meets George Costanza wearing a toupee in Monk's in The Scofflaw (Season 6 Episode 13).
Ella Joyce
Ella Joyce

Ella Joyce

Ella Joyce is Dean Jones in The Voice (Season 9 - Episode 2).
Ellen Albertini-Dow
Ellen Albertini-Dow

Ellen Albertini-Dow

Ellen Albertini Dow is Peterman's momma in The Secret Code (Season 7 Episode 7).
Ellen Gerstein
Ellen Gerstein

Ellen Gerstein

Ellen Gerstein is Carol in The Stakeout (Season 1 Episode 2).
Ellen Ratner
Ellen Ratner

Ellen Ratner

Ellen Ratner is Ellen in The Stranded (Season 3 - Episode 10).
Elliot Reid
Elliot Reid

Elliott Reid

Elliott Reid is the Mr. Armstrong in The Letter (Season 3 Episode 21).


These people were in Seinfeld, and...


This is a fan page dedicated to the actors and actresses that once were in Seinfeld, to support them and and to highlight their great contribution to our culture.

This web site have no affiliation with any individuals, celebrities, public figures, brands or organizations.