A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Tom Gallop
Tom Gallop

Tom Gallop

Tom Gallop is Alan in The Andrea Doria (Season 8 Episode 10).

Elaine's blind date Alan fails to show because he was stabbed by an ex-girlfriend. At first Elaine is enticed by the idea that he arouses such passion, but when another ex-girlfriend throws coffee in his face on their first date, Elaine checks his background and discovers Alan is a "bad breaker-upper." Deeming this an unacceptable flaw, Elaine breaks up with Alan. He retaliates by calling her "big head." The comment holds true when a cab-driver asks her to move her head and a bird crashes into her head. She decides to see Alan again to prove to herself she doesn't care about his comment. On their date, Alan tells her she has a bump on her nose, and she attacks him with a fork.

George requests a hearing with the tenant association of the building he's trying to get a new apartment. He tells them various misfortunes of his life, leaving the committee in tears, but Alan gets the apartment instead by bribing the building's super. When George confronts him over this, Alan calls him "chinless".

He was seen in:

* Newsradio

* The Second Half

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