A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Patrick Warburton
Patrick Warburton

Patrick Warburton

Patrick Warburton is David Puddy, Elaine most dated boyfriend. He appears in 10 episodes. The first The Fusilli Jerry (Season 6 Episode 20).

Elaine's on-again-off-again boyfriend, often referred to and addressed as Puddy.

Unflappable and calm, yet can be a surprisingly passionate individual at times (usually as a result of something Elaine has said).

Appears to be an airhead and frequently stares into space. Puddy loves eating at Arby's. He perpetually squints.

Used to be an auto mechanic (considered by Jerry as the only honest mechanic in New York), but later became a car salesman.

A recovering mysophobe, born again Christian, and a face-painting New Jersey Devils fan. His trademark line, delivered in a monotone, is "Yeah, that's right."

He was seen in:

* Joe Somebody

* Playing it cool

* Ted 2

* Movie 43

* Newsradio

* Rules of Engagement

* Designing Woman

* Unfrosted

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