A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Cleto Augusto
Cleto Augusto

Cleto Augusto

Cleto Augusto is Scott in The Label Maker (Season 6 Episode 12).

Scott is Bonnie's roommate.

George is enthralled by the apartment of his new girlfriend, Bonnie, which includes a velvet couch. However, he fears her roommate Scott, who looks just like him, is positioned to become her new boyfriend.

He wheedles Bonnie into getting Scott to move out. Using Jerry's label maker to help Bonnie box up Scott's belongings, George discovers that all the things he liked about the apartment, including the couch and the television, belonged to Scott.

He asks Bonnie if she is interested in ménage à trois, hoping she will be disgusted and dump him. Instead, she and Scott are eager to have a ménage à trois with George - Scott then advances on a horrified George.

He was seen in:

* Frasier

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