A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Molly Shannon
Molly Shannon

Molly Shannon

Molly Shannon is Sam in The Summer of George (Season 8 Episode 22).

Sam is a woman with whom Elaine worked at the J. Peterman Catalog. She walks without moving her arms.

Elaine states that she walks as if she's carrying «invisible suitcases».

She catches Elaine mocking her and proceeds to trash her entire office and subsequently leaves Elaine a number of threatening voicemails.

She is last seen taking physiotherapy to learn how to move her arms, along with George who is trying to walk again after being injured.

She was seen in:

* Wet Hot American Summer

* The Twelve Days of Christmas Eve

* The Little Hours

* A Night at the Roxbury

* Superstar

* Addicted to Fresno

* Sex and the City

* Gray Matters

* 12 Days of Christmas Eve

* Larry Gaye: Renegade Male Flight Attendant

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