A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Bryan Cranston
Bryan Cranston

Bryan Cranston

Bryan Cranston is Tim Whatley, the dentist who converted to judaism just for the jokes. He is in 5 episodes. The first: The Mom & Pop Store (Season 6 Episode 8)

A dentist that was once dubbed "Dentist to the Stars" by George.

Jerry's anger at Whatley causes Kramer to call him an "anti-dentite."

His giving Jerry a label maker he received from Elaine in the episode «The Label Maker» leads to the term "regifting."

In «Jimmy», Whatley irks Jerry by having Penthouse magazines in his waiting room and by possibly "violating" him while he was unconscious during a tooth filling.

He was seen in:

* Michael And the Middle

* Breaking Bad

* Murder She Wrote

* The King of Queens

* Your Honor

* Get a Job

* The Upside

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