A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Barney Martin
Barney Martin

Barney Martin

Barney Martin is Morty Seinfeld, Jerry's father. He appears in 20 episodes. The first: The Pony Remark (Season 2 Episode 2).

Morty is Jerry's father. He has strong, if sometimes outdated, convictions about business and the way of the world.

He spent some time as a politician in his Florida retirement community.

During his working years, he sold raincoats with Harry Fleming and was the inventor of the "belt-less trench-coat."

He hates Velcro because of "that tearing sound." He is extremely mindful of money, once calculating the interest and lost value of $50 that was owed several decades ago.

He engages in frequent disputes with Jerry over money, refusing to let his son pay for anything in his presence, particularly restaurant checks.

He was seen in:

* The Golden Girls

* Murder She Wrote

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