A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Steve Eastin
Steve Eastin

Steve Eastin

Steve Eastin is Cop #1 in The Ticket (Season 4 - Episode 4).

In the courtroom, the policeman says about Newman: Then he became very loud and hysterical. He was flailing his arms about as he told the story and then he threw himself on the ground and he grabbed me around the legs and then he begged me to let him go. And when I refused, that's when he began to scream: 'My friend's going to die, my friend's going to die.'

He was seen in:

* Wings

* Up in the Air

* Catch Me If You Can

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This is a fan page dedicated to the actors and actresses that once were in Seinfeld, to support them and and to highlight their great contribution to our culture.

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