A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Melanie Smith
Melanie Smith

Melanie Smith

Melanie Smith is Rachel Goldstein in 3 episodes. The first: The Raincoats (Season 5 Episodes 18-19).

Rachel Goldstein is Jerry's most dated girlfriend, except for Elaine Benes. In The Raincoats, she and Jerry make out while watching Schindler's List and are seen by Newman, who informs Jerry's and Rachel's parents of the incident.

As a result, Rachel's father, Mr. Goldstein, tells Jerry she won't be seeing him again because of his «weak moral fiber».

In The Hampstons, Rachel accidentally walks in on George naked while he is a victim of «significant shrinkage», having just gotten out of the pool.

She was seen in:

* Curb Your Enthusiasm

* Murder She Wrote

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