A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Damon Jones
Damon Jones

Damon Jones

Damon Jones is Watkins in The Maid (Season 9 Episode 19).

Watkins is one of George's co-workers at Kruger Industrial Smoothing.

When George tries to get a nickname at work, he ordered a T-Bone steak for lunch and talked about how much he likes T-bones, but a co-worker (Watkins) copies his idea and gets the nickname instead.

George tries reasoning with T-Bone to get the nickname. When this doesn't work, George throws a fit, yelling, crying, and flailing around with a banana in his hand until T-bone agrees to surrender the nickname. However, after witnessing this scene, his coworkers nickname George Koko the monkey.

He was seen in:

* Life of The Party

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