A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Jerry Levine
Jerry Levine

Jerry Levine

Jerry Levine is the stationery store guy in The Big Salad (Season 6 - Episode 2).

Elaine is looking for a Rollamech 1000, a mechanic pencil for Mr. Pitt. The stationery store guy doesn't have one but he seems more than happy to order it for Elaine. So he asks Elaine for her number. Elaine gives him KL5-2390 (Jerry's number).

After several calls to Jerry's number, the stationer went all the way down to the warehouse (it took him three hours) and after a big fight with the foreman, he finally gets the Rollamech 1000 for Elaine.

But Elaine had bought the Rollamech 1000 someplace else. Then, Elaine feels so guilty about the pencil that she accepts to go out with the stationery store guy.

He was seen in:

* Monk

* Charles in Charge

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