A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Gordon Jump
Gordon Jump

Gordon Jump

Gordon Jump is Mr. Thomassoulo in The Butter Shave (Season 9 Episode 1) and in The Voice (Season 9 Episode 2).

Mr. Thomassoulo is George Costanza’s boss at Play Now. In The Butter Shave, he hires George where it is revealed George is faking his handicap which tarnishes his relationship with the staff at PlayNow.

In The Voice, he tries to fire George. This has George linger around the building to be paid due to his year contract. Kramer and his intern dropped a giant ball of oil on Claire; as such, Claire sued Play Now where the company filed for bankruptcy.

He was seen in:

* Murder She Wrote

* The Golden Girls

* The Love Boat

* The Partridge Family

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