A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

Basil Hoffman
Basil Hoffman

Basil Hoffman

Basil Hoffman is Tommy, the toupee salesman in The Scofflaw (Season 6 Episode 13).

George is sitting before a mirror, trying on a wig, assisted by the salesman, while Jerry looks on. Jerry doesn't like the wig and says George look stupid.

Tommy disagrees and says it'll look better when George try a wig custom-fitted to his scalp. Tommy doesn't think that Jerry is being very helpful. On the contrary, Tommy thinks Jerry is being disruptive, making it very difficult for George to improve his life.

«All you people with hair think you're so damn superior! You have no idea what it's like. You ever look down in the bottom of your tub and see a fist fulla hair? How'd you like to start your day with that?!»

He was seen in:

* Murder She Wrote

* Switch

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