A fan page devoted to very familiar faces

James Spader
James Spader

James Spader

James Spader is Jason Hanky in The Apology (Season 9 Episode 9).

Jason Hanky is a casual friend of Jerry and George who has gotten involved with the Alcoholics Anonymous.

George is thrilled to hear that Jason is currently on the step in the program where he will be apologizing to the people he has offended and/or harmed with his drinking, because Jason will finally have to apologize for his refusal to lend him a sweater at a party he had thrown and a humiliating comment he had made in front of a lot of people about how George's head would have stretched out the neckhole on the sweater.

Jason refuses to apologize to George and lets George persists in getting his apology from Jason, even showing up at Jason's place of employment to receive it and turning Jason into his sponsor at A.A. for not properly following its guidelines.

The stress of dealing with George is too much for Jason and he relapses back into alcoholism. To make matters worse, his infuriating experience with George leads him to believe he has a problem with «rage», and winds up in Rageaholics Anonymous, in addition to A.A.

He was seen in:

* Secretary

* The Blacklist

* Stargate

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